Eastern Brook Trout Conservation Portfolio – Trout Unlimited developed three conservation planning products to help identify strategic conservation opportunities and evaluate potential projects within the range of Eastern Brook Trout in the eastern United States.

Center for Watershed Protection – The Center for Watershed Protection works to protect, restore, and enhance our streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and bays. We create viable solutions and partnerships for responsible land and water management so that every community has clean water and healthy natural resources to sustain diverse life.

Where Rivers Are Born: The Scientific Imperative for Defending Small Streams and Wetlands –  This paper summarizes the scientific basis for understanding that the health and productivity of rivers and lakes depends upon intact small streams and wetlands.  Paper sponsored by American Rivers and the Sierra Club.

The Effects of Special Protection Designation: A Guide for Communities – To provide sufficient protection for Pennsylvania waters, two special protection aquatic life designated uses have been established:  High Quality (HQ) and Exceptional Value (EV). Waters with HQ or EV designated uses support excellent diversity and populations of aquatic life. Such a waterway is an asset to your community with special protections in place to ensure that water quality is protected and maintained. This paper by the Campaign for Clean Water provides additional information.

Pennsylvania’s Water Quality Antidegradation Implementation Guidance (DEP) – The basic concept of antidegradation is to promote the maintenance and protection of existing water quality for High Quality (HQ) and Exceptional Value (EV) waters and protect existing uses. As a required element of a state’s water quality standards, the Antidegradation Program introduces levels of protection for deserving water bodies above the basic standards.

Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture – The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is a unique partnership between state and federal agencies, regional and local governments, businesses, conservation organizations, academia, scientific societies, and private citizens working toward protecting, restoring and enhancing brook trout populations and their habitats across their native range.

Photo of clear stream